Sound Baths

Immerse your team in relaxation and rejuvenation with our soothing sound baths, promoting stress relief and mental well-being for all employees.

Sound baths
£500 plus VAT per session up to 20 employees

Sound Bath for Well-being

A sound bath is a holistic therapeutic practice that immerses individuals in soothing sounds and vibrations created by instruments like crystal singing bowls, gongs, and chimes. The experience aims to induce a meditative state of deep relaxation, reducing stress, enhancing mental clarity, and promoting overall well-being. Scientifically, sound baths have been shown to influence brainwave frequencies, calming the nervous system and potentially reducing anxiety levels. Through the harmonious interplay of sound frequencies, individuals can experience profound relaxation, leading to stress relief and a sense of mental and emotional balance.

Benefits of Sound Baths:

  • Holistic therapeutic practice involving soothing sounds and vibrations

  • Uses instruments like crystal singing bowls, gongs, and chimes

  • Induces a meditative state of deep relaxation

  • Reduces stress, enhances mental clarity, and promotes overall well-being

  • Influences brainwave frequencies for a calming effect on the nervous system

  • Potentially reduces anxiety levels

  • Aids in stress relief and promotes mental and emotional balance

FAQ - Sound Baths

Q: How much is a sound bath 
A: A sound bath is £500 plus VAT for up to 20 people. . An invoice is created upon booking, with payment due by the last working day of the month the services are carried out. 

Q: How long does a typical sound bath session last in the workplace?
A: A typical sound bath session at work usually lasts for about an hour, providing employees with sufficient time to relax, unwind, and experience the therapeutic benefits of the session.

Q: What space do you require for a sound bath?
A: The musician will require a space for their equipment and enough room for participants to comfortably lay or sit down. As a rough estimate, a room that it at least 400-600 square feet in size would be suitable for up to 20 people. 

Q: What’s the maximum number for a sound bath?
A: Due to the amount of space, we can cater up to a maximum of 20 people per session. 

Q: Are there any contraindications for participating in a sound bath session at work?
A: While sound bath sessions are generally safe and non-invasive, individuals with certain medical conditions or sensitivities (such as epilepsy or severe sound sensitivity) should consult with a healthcare provider before participating in a session. Pregnant women or individuals with pacemakers should also seek medical advice before attending.

Q: How often should sound bath sessions be conducted in the workplace to maximize benefits?
A: The frequency of sound bath sessions in the workplace can vary depending on the needs and preferences of the employees. Scheduling sessions periodically, such as weekly or bi-weekly, can help employees experience the cumulative benefits of sound healing consistently.

Q: Can employees with no prior experience participate in a sound bath session at work?
A: Absolutely! Sound bath sessions are inclusive and suitable for individuals of all experience levels. The trained sound healer will guide participants through the session, ensuring everyone can benefit from the relaxing and rejuvenating effects of the practice.

Q: What is your cancellation policy for Sound baths?
A: Our cancellation policy is as follows:  

  • Full refund if the event is cancelled within 30 days of the scheduled date.  

  • Half refund if the event is cancelled between 30 days and 14 days before the scheduled date.  

  • Non-refundable if the event is cancelled within 14 days of the scheduled date.

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