We deliver award winning well-being initiatives across the UK

Founded by Helen Richards and Trevor Dias who had a desire to change the way people feel and are treated at work.

We have collectively worked with over 300 organisations, from office massage and yoga, to webinars and fitness, leaving employees feeling valued and able to reach their maximum potential, regardless of life stresses. 

“Our analysis reveals that employers that invest in mental health support of their workforce can make significant gains. In fact, our model has found the case for employer investment is stronger than ever, with an average £5 return for every £1 spent on wellbeing support.”

Our Services

  • Yoga

    Enhance your team's well-being with rejuvenating desk yoga or traditional yoga sessions, designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and improve physical health for all employees.

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  • Sound Baths

    Immerse your team in relaxation and rejuvenation with our soothing sound baths, promoting stress relief and mental well-being for all employees.

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  • Massage

    Indulge your team in revitalising seated massages ranging from 5 minutes to 1 hour, conducted over the clothes to provide quick stress relief, relaxation, and muscle tension release right in the workplace.

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  • Health Check Up

    Empower your team with personalised health assessments and tailored recommendations through our thorough health checks, fostering wellness and vitality among all employees.

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  • Webinars

    Empower your employees' well-being with our webinars covering the four pillars of health: physical, mental, emotional, and social. Provide valuable insights and practical tips to support their journey towards a healthier, happier life.

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  • Keynote Speeches

    Inspire your team with engaging keynote speeches customised to focus on mental health and well-being, offering valuable insights, strategies, and support for enhancing overall wellness in the workplace.

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  • Desk Yoga

    Stretching your body can instantly send signals to your brain to relax whilst also loosening tightened muscles, reducing aches and pains. At the convenience of their desks, employees can learn techniques that can be re-created, almost anywhere!

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  • Meditation Classes

    Mediation is scientifically proven to reduce our bodies reaction to stress. It’s a great tool to learn and use. Guided by meditation expert, Julia Alderman, your team will feel instantly relaxed in this hours session.

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What our clients’ say

  • "Having attended a webinar on Men’s Mental Health, it’s completely changed my outlook into my own well-being. I have implemented small changes that have made me feel so much more positive, at work and home."

    Steve Davis, Graphic Designer

  • "Trevor supported our mental health ambassador team on an initiative which is aimed at supporting colleagues who are going through difficulties in their lives. He is a truly inspiring person, determined to help other people based on his own experience; he was full of ideas and driven to find the best way to deal with our challenge. It is thanks to him that we are now delivering a project that I am convinced will make a real difference!"

    Vodafone UK

  • "The self massage and relaxation session, I learnt a lot about how to massage myself for comfort when I am working. They were very easy techniques that had very effective results and helped to reduce any stress or tension I was carrying in my body."

    Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine

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